Monday, January 18, 2016

Reiki You First

Welcome to the 'Reiki YouFirst' blog!
Mary Lehett
Holy Fire II Usui & Karuna 
Reiki Master Teacher

"The more we practice Reiki, accept Reiki with a knowingness and  embracing its essence, the spiritual aspects of life just make more sense and we accept them as truth." 

Welcome to my Reiki blog. The above quote 'came' to me while meditating one day October 2015. 
Allow me to explain: What Reiki is. What is a Reiki session. Reiki classes and different lineages of Reiki. 

Reiki reduces stress and promotes relaxation. 

Reiki is an ancient Japanese energy therapy technique that promotes stress reduction and relaxation. This promotes healing: emotionally, physically,mentally and spiritually. 

What is Reiki
 Reiki is an energy technique of Japanese origin that reduces stress and promotes relaxation and thereby promotes healing. This healing is unconditional. I will be using that work frequently throughout the blog: unconditional...... The healing that takes place thru Reiki is unconditional healing because Reiki has its own wisdom. The Reiki practitioner does not place their own agenda on the Reiki session. Reiki is offered with gratitude for a person's higher good. This means that the wisdom of Reiki knows what kind of healing the person needs, it doesn't cross a person's free will and the subconscious mind or spirit or even soul will accept Reiki if it wants it.

We all have a 'life force energy' that flows through and around our physical body. Because of the dramas, traumas and stress of life, both present and past and the worries about the future, this 'life force energy' can become stuck or unbalanced. Reiki helps to resolve that stuck/unbalanced energy. 

Reiki is a combination of two Japanese words. 
Rei = God's wisdom or the Higher Power. That Higher Power is whomever a person believes to be the creator of the universe. For some it is God. For others it is another entity. 
Ki = Life force energy

Reiki = spiritually guided life force energy. 
Reiki is not a religion. However, Reiki is very spiritual. (When teaching Reiki, I do not ask a person's religious orientation. Reiki is a spiritual journey; not a religious journey.)

The essence of Reiki is unconditional healing. Reiki has its own wisdom and knows precisely what needs healed in an individual or even an animal. The Reiki
Healing could be physical, emotional, mental or spiritual. 
The Reiki practitioner does not place their own agenda on a Reiki session. We offer with gratitude the Reiki session for a person's higher good and let the Reiki energy do the work. The Reiki practitioner is a conduit of the Reiki energy. They flip the Reiki switch by their intention. That intention is always unconditional healing body, mind and spirit: the essence of Reiki. 

The reason for the title 'Reiki You First' is because it's important as a Reiki practitioner that we give ourselves Reiki on a regular basis. I set the intention that I receive a full body Reiki session while I'm sleeping at night. Periodically, I reset that intention. Keep it flowing. 
There are a multitude of ways to use Reiki in our day to day lives at home, work or out in the community.  That is explained in Reiki class with each level of training. 

In this Reiki You First blog, I would like to explain the history and lineage of Reiki, the different levels of Reiki training and more. Also, I will explain my Reiki story. 

Reiki History and Lineage
Usui Reiki
Dr. Mikao Usui discovered Reiki in March 1922 in Japan. I think of it like this: he was gifted with Reiki.  There is more to his story...........
One of his students, Mrs. Takata brought Reiki from Japan to the west in the 1930's. 
William Lee Rand has done much research into the history and lineage, attunements and symbols of Usui Reiki.  This is explained in "Reiki: The Healing Touch manual."
Traditional Usui Reiki is passed on from Reiki Master Teacher to student through an 'Attunement' ceremony. 

Holy Fire Reiki
Just as Dr. Mikao Usui was gifted with Usui Reiki (I refer to it as traditional Reiki), William Lee Rand was gifted with Holy Fire Reiki. 
Holy Fire Reiki energy is a more refined energy. This purer, more refined energy comes from a Higher Source. 
I like to describe it as purer and higher vibrational energy. 
In December 2015, William Lee Rand upgraded Holy Fire Reiki to Holy Fire II. 
This energy is passed on to the student thru a 'placement' process. 

This loving, blissful, purer energy evolves over time after
Professionally and personally I have found this a profoundly healing energy. Even blissful at times. Having experienced the healing energy of traditional Usui Reiki, Holy Fire offers even more of a healing experience. 
When I signed up for the class, I had no idea how profound of an experience it would be. I knew I wanted to 'upgrade' to the Holy Fire Reiki and am ever so grateful I took that leap of faith to do so. 

Karuna Reiki
Karuna Reiki is referred to as compassionate Reiki or 'Reiki of Compassion. 
The work Karuna means compassionate action. There are a total of eight symbols associated with Karuna Reiki. 
The Karuna symbols are divided into Karuna I and Karuna II. 
Some people may teach these levels separately. However, the Reiki Membership Association; International Center for Reiki Training recommends teaching a three day Karuna Reiki Master Teacher class. 

Professional note: I have experienced both ways as a Reiki student and appreciate the consistency of taking the class in three day session for consistency and continuity of the flow of energy. Yes, I was tired on the 3rd day.......but it was blissful as well. 
Once someone has completed the Reiki Master Teacher level they are eligible for taking the Karuna Reiki Master Teacher class. 
William Lee Rand was also gifted with this lineage of Reiki and refined the symbols.
With the development of Holy Fire Reiki, it was added to Karuna Reiki. 

Reiki Principles
Please note: as you read various articles and books on Reiki, the Reiki Principles are the same but the wording may be different. This is a brief explanation of the Reiki principles with my interpretation. 

Just for Today, I will let go of anger. Anger is a conscious choice and is often a habitual reaction to life's circumstances. We need to choose to let go of anger through Reiki and grow spiritually and personally in the process. Some days this is easier than others. 

Just for Today, I will let go of worry. Worry is linked to our fear of the future and the unknown. It also can be a habit. As we grow spiritually and personally through Reiki, we can choose to let go of worry and live in the present. 

Just for today, I will be grateful. Take time to be grateful for your many blessings......Reiki can help develop gratitude.

Just for today, I will live my life and do my work honestly. Honor ourselves to be the best that we can be on any given day. Be honest with ourselves. 

Just for today, I will be kind to everyone including myself. It is important to be kind to ourselves as well as everyone and every living creature.

Just for today, I will do Reiki. As a Reiki practitioner, it is important to give ourselves daily Reiki treatments. Set aside time just for yourself if even for a few minutes. Reiki You First. 

Receiving Reiki: what to expect during a Reiki session
A typical Reiki session consists of a person laying fully clothed on a Reiki/massage table. The session can take an hour or less. Reiki chair sessions are also a possibility. I have done many 15 minute chair sessions at conferences and Reiki shares. 

During the Reiki session, a person may feel coolness or warmth as the Reiki practitioner moves their hands over the persons body. Most times there is no touching involved. The Reiki practitioner's hands are hovering and moving a few inches from the body. Touching may be involved only with the person's permission. During a Reiki session a person feels very relaxed and may even drift off to sleep. Gentle, peaceful music is playing in the background. 

Important Facts to Remember about Reiki
*The practice of Reiki is the art and science of applying God/Divine/Creator guided intelligence in the form of energy through the hands with the intention of unconditional healing.
*Reiki can do no harm…….it can only do good.  It is pure and simple Divine Love.
*Reiki does not interfere with medical treatments or medications.
*Reiki nourishes the organs, tissues, and improves circulation.  It also boosts the immune system and speeds up the body’s own natural healing ability by removing energy blockages.

*Reiki will never cross a person’s free will.
*Reiki is guided by Divine force….not by the practitioner.
*The Reiki practitioner does not use their own energy…but the limitless flow of God’s universal life force energy.
*Reiki is safe and effective for all problems.
*Any person, place, situation or animal that can use love and healing can use Reiki.
*Reiki works on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels.
*Reiki opens and balances the chakras.
*A daily self-treatment with Reiki helps to keep your aura from accumulating stress. “Reiki You First.”
         **For example: the Reiki practitioner can place their hands on their abdomen/heart area/ legs or
              even say or think the following while driving or mentally while working: A stream/river of 
              unconditional healing energy of Reiki flows through me. 
              Add to this phrase: A river of Reiki flows through me and restores my physical energy.
                      Restores my mental energy.... Restores my emotional energy...  
              It is all about our intention.... unconditional healing. Offer it and let it go..
*You receive Reiki when you give Reiki!
*Once attuned to Reiki, Reiki will start to flow upon your intention for it to flow; that intention is for unconditional healing.
*With each level of Reiki training there is no obligation to continue to the next level. 
*You have Reiki for life once you have the attunement for that level of Reiki. No renewal process.
*You do not need to be in an altered state to channel Reiki.
*The essence of Reiki is unconditional love.
*Reiki is an unconditional healing energy for a one’s best interest and their Higher power and good.
*The Reiki practitioner keeps their own agenda out of the healing session.
*Get out of your head and into the Reiki!
 *Reiki is a perfect self-help system that adjusts to the user.
*During a Reiki treatment, focus on gratitude.  Be grateful. Start and end a session with gratitude.

My Reiki Story
That thought and understanding came to me while meditating one day. 
Reiki is an energy therapy that promotes relaxation and decreases stress. That is the simple explanation of what Reiki is. 
I have been practicing Reiki for over 10 years. When I first read an article in 2002 about Reiki in a Sunday newspaper, I knew without having ever experienced Reiki, that I had to learn Reiki. I embraced its essence with a knowingness. 
A knowingness that I was to follow the path and journey of Reiki. 

I met my first Reiki Master Teacher, Janet Jackson Wensel, while I was working as an Oncology RN. Janet was a visitor with a family member. She took my information and contacted me when she would be teaching classes in the area. That was 2005. Between January and October that year I completed Reiki I - II and III. Reiki III is now called ART - Advanced Reiki Training. 
I knew I would eventually complete the Reiki Master Teacher level. I met Dena DeLuco through a hypnosis session for weight issues. After meeting periodically with Dena for over a year for hypnosis sessions that evolved into spiritual hypnosis sessions, a had a epiphany.....a vision. For me the combination of hypnosis and Reiki unlocked, healed and started a spiritual epiphany.  It was time to become a Reiki Master Teacher. That's when I instituted what I referred to as 'my 2 year plan. That was summer 2012. 
I knew I had the potential to retire in July 2014 and wanted to teach Reiki as a 'post retirement' project. I completed the Reiki Master Teacher training in April 2013. I did retire summer of 2014. I then completed my Karuna Reiki Master Teacher training with my original Reiki Master Teacher Janet Jack Wensel. 

Driving home from work one day, I passed the complex that has a branch of Butler Community College: BC3 @ Linden Pointe. I had a vision of the doors opening there for Reiki classes. 
After contacting their Lifelong Learning Series coordinator, I submitted a proposal to teach the different levels of Reiki. I am humbly grateful for BC3 for their facility, scheduling and accommodating the Reiki classes on the Spring and Fall semester. 
Teaching Reiki classes makes my soul and spirit sing. I love sharing the benefits of Reiki with people. Passing on the ability for others to use Reiki for themselves and others is extremely rewarding. 
Each class, each level of Reiki is a new experience. I learn more and more with each class. I strive to improve my teaching skills and grow in the essence of Reiki. 

Most recently (12/15) I had the most grateful opportunity to take Holy Fire II Karuna Reiki Master Teacher training. This was a 3 day class taught by William Lee Rand. Yes, I already had my Karuna Reiki Master Teacher training but this class upgraded me to the lineage of Holy Fire II Usui and Karuna level of training. 

This was the most powerfully profoundly healing class. Prior to this class I had completed the Karuna Reiki Master Teacher training June 2015. 
This class 'upgraded' me to the Holy Fire II level of Reiki. 
I learned a lot about teaching Reiki in this class. Also, I have tremendous understanding and respect as to why the Advanced Reiki Training (Reiki III) and Reiki MasterTeacher should be taught in  a 3 day class. The flow of energy from one day to the other and the healing experiences was very worth the time.   
I will explain more later in the blog about ART/Master Reiki level.        

More about teaching Reiki a bit later in the blog....

Invocation of the Light
I am the Light
The Light is within me                                    
The Light fills and surrounds me                   
The Light moves throughout me
The Light protects me
I am the Light

Reiki Training
There are 3 levels of Reiki training plus Reiki Master Teacher.
Once a person has completed each level of Reiki there is no obligation to proceed to another level. A person has that level of training for life. With each level of Reiki training, a person has the potential for a deeper level of Reiki energy healing.

Reiki Level I
Reiki 1 class involves learning how to use Reiki on yourself and others 1:1. The Reiki student learns about the history of Reiki, the energy of Reiki and the other levels of Reiki training. The ability to tap into the universal life force energy of Reiki is passed on to the student by the Reiki Master Teacher in person through an attunement/ignition/placement. This depends on the lineage of Reiki being taught. I will explain more about that.
Once the student completes the Reiki I class, they have that level of training for life. Even if they do not use Reiki often. I encourage students to take Reiki II for many reasons.

Reiki Level II
In the Reiki II class, the ability to tap into and use 3 sacred Reiki symbols is passed to the Reiki student from the Reiki Master Teacher.
These Reiki symbols are sacred. I will explain each symbol but will not use their name.....only in class.  
The first Reiki symbol is the Power Symbol. This symbol enhances and empowers all the other symbols. 
The second Reiki symbol is the Mental/Emotional Symbol. This symbol heals mental and emotional issues. Remember, this is offered unconditionally. 
The third Reiki symbol is the Distant Symbol. This symbol crosses the bridge between space and time. It's true. Just imagine sending Reiki to the past, to someone in the present, to yourself or another into the future. It's a powerful unconditional healing Reiki symbol.......
In the motto of 'Reiki You First', just think about. How often do you have a mental rewind of thoughts that have happened in your past.... when that occurs, send Reiki using all three of these symbols to that event, emotion, issue..... The more you do this for all of the negative mental reruns that play in your head, the less they occur. It could be something that happened 10 minutes ago, 10 months ago, or even many years ago. Just imagine the unconditional healing that you as a Reiki pracc 
Using all 3 of these Reiki symbols together is a Reiki powerhouse of unconditional healing. 
In class, the Reiki student learns how to draw and say each symbol. 
Once this level of Reiki training is completed, the Reiki student/practitioner has it for life. It is not necessary to proceed to the next level. However, please allow me to explain why.

ART: Advanced Reiki Training
This level involves learning an additional Power Symbol. The Reiki student is passed on the ability to tap into and use this symbol through an attunement/ignition/placement ceremony. This Reiki symbol empowers all the other Reiki symbols. The student also learns advanced Reiki techniques.

Reiki Master Teacher
At this level of training, the Reiki practitioner/student learns how to teach Reiki. The Reiki Master Teacher passes that ability on through a sacred ceremony. Again, depending on the lineage of Reiki this is passed on through an attunement/ignition/placement ceremony.   

**Personal and Professional Reiki note:  
It was 7+ years from when I completed the Advanced Reiki Training (Reiki III) before I committed to the Reiki Master Teacher level. Honestly, I did not believe or understand why I would want to complete that level of training unless I wanted to teach. I now believe differently. Let me explain why. 
In December 2015, I completed a 3 day Holy Fire II Karuna Reiki Master Teacher training. This also upgraded me to the Holy Fire II Usui Reiki Master Teacher. 
The Holy Fire II Reiki Master Teacher level of training is the ultimate 'Reiki You First' level of Reiki. Even if you had never thought of teaching Reiki, this level of Reiki energy offers such a profound level of healing for yourself and others. 
This 3 day class is a blissful, energy experience that will continue and evolve over time as the Reiki practitioner practices this level of Reiki. 
Think of this as an investment in your spiritual self. 

I am passionate and committed to teaching this level of Reiki and explaining why. 
I am grateful for the opportunity to teach Reiki at the Butler Community College (BC3) at Linden Pointe in Hermitage, PA. The staff and facility has been wonderful. 

Reiki Resources is another excellent resource. It is the go to source for learning and teaching Reiki.
They have a free newsletter. On their website, there are available hundreds of different Reiki articles to read. Plus, this is where I purchase the Reiki teaching manuals. William Lee Rand found this organization. 
Also, they publish Reiki News Magazine. It is published quarterly and is a wealth of information, interesting stories about Reiki. 
There is also a newsletter that goes out monthly for a 'world peace' meditation. This meditation is set to occur in everyone's time zone so that the world is receiving Reiki continuously for 24 hours around the world. There is more information on the website. 

Great quote from Colleen Benelli at 
Reiki Lifestyle. Check out her website. Colleen has a newsletter and monthly Reiki chats via conference call.  Plus, you can follow her on FB. 

Below is a post from her FB page. Please check her website and newsletters for yourself. 

It is 1/18/16. I have designed a new business card using the logo at the top of the screen. I had a vision of that logo and just went with it. 
Before I pick up the new business cards, I wanted to publish this blog. Considering the blog name is on the new business card it is not only necessary but also motivating to have something worth publishing. 
I will update and review the blog regularly.

Embrace the essence of Reiki. It will transform your life. 
Mary Lehett

1-26-16 update
I am so excited. 
As I venture on this path of teaching Reiki with a knowingness that the path is being prepared for me.......I just need to stay grounded in the leap of faith and have patience (one of my challenges...patience) that God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit are preparing the path for me to teach Holy Fire of Reiki.  
In searching for the perfect place to teach ART/Master Teacher Reiki class would come to me. Well, it found me....I found it! Someone suggested I contact the owner of the Walnut Lodge Yoga studio. So I did. I left her a message about what I was wanting: a space to teach 3 day Reiki class. 
She responded with a message that she would be excited to have Reiki class there and it was the perfect place for Reiki. My heart and spirit leaps for joy!! 
We played phone tag for a few days which put my patience and faith to the test. On Monday 1-25-16, we connected and I met her at the yoga studio. 
I am so grateful for her opening the doors to Reiki! 

As I was preparing power point slides and a new handout for the Intro to Reiki class, I had a revelation. A revelation about the lineage and history of Reiki.
I think of Dr. Usui as planting the roots of Reiki, much like a tree. As Reiki evolved, it developed a trunk. Now we have the branches of Holy Fire II Reiki and Karuna Reiki. As those lineages develop and evolve the roots of Reiki tree become deeper and stronger. Imagine those roots extending into Mother Earth, even covering Mother Earth. The trunk is becoming wider and stronger to support these lineages. It's a beautiful thought! 

2-26-16 update of 2 Reiki PP slides. 

Another great posting from Colleen Benelli's FB page: have you 'liked' her on FB? 

I am excited to receive the Holy Fire II Usui Reiki manuals. 
I scheduled a ART/Master Holy Fire II 3day class to be held at Walnut Lodge Yoga studio. Thank Abby! I am so grateful to her for opening her doors for Reiki classes. 
I am so grateful for this Reiki journey to continue as I grow in the wisdom of Reiki. Becoming more grounded in the roots of Reiki and branching out with the wisdom and knowledge of Reiki. 
Much gratitude feels my heart! 

Friday, March 4, 2016
Today starts a Holy Fire II Usui ART/Master 3 day class at the Walnut Lodge Yoga studio. I am excited and humbled that this dream, goal and passion is becoming a reality! Much gratitude to the 3 students taking this class. 
Sunday March 6, 2016 7:00 pm
Completed a 3 day Holy Fire II Usui Reiki ART/Master Teacher class. 
Humbled, grateful and full of joy to reach this level in my Reiki journey. Much love to Carla, Stephanie and Heather for following the Reiki path. 
Much gratitude to the Walnut Lodge Yoga studio for opening their doors to Reiki! 

Tonight we completed Usui/Holy Fire II Reiki I class at BC3 @ Linden Pointe. It was an amazing class with 3 Reiki students. I am so humbled and so full of gratitude for these students, Holy Fire Reiki and BC3. Also, the new HFII RMT students are shadowing the class. Everyone is embracing the essence of Reiki. 
Next week starts Usui/Holy Fire II Reiki II at BC3. 
April 7, 2016
Usui/Holy Fire II Reiki II class started tonight with the same three Reiki students continuing their Reiki journey.
The class is 2.5 hours 3 weeks in a row. 
April 21, 2016 this class completed. It was a great class with everyone understanding the symbols and embracing their many uses. I am
so grateful for these students, BC3 and the Holy Fire Reiki for guidance. 

Have you signed up for Colleen Benelli newsletters and friended her on FB yet! Love her words of Reiki wisdom! 

The last week of April I attended oncology nurses Society annual conference in San Antonio Texas. As a leader of the complementary and integrative therapy's special interest group I collaborated along with two other leaders, one from our group and one from the spiritual care interest group, to coordinate a one-day special event for the oncology nurses. We referred to it as the healing modalities special event. We offered for moving healing therapies. One was interpretive movement by Jill Burleson. another session was yoga by Angela Sisk. Then Liana Wheatley had two sessions of Shen Zhen Gong. 
I write about this in the blog because I was in charge of offering Reiki sessions. That morning of the event I was laying in bed in our hotel and it occurred to me what was I going to do it there was a lot of people waiting for a Reiki session and it was just me to give Reiki. 
I decided to meditate with the holy fire meditation while listening to Julie True journaling soaking music. The answer came to me while meditating that I needed to offer the ocean of holy love experience to anyone interested in a Reiki session.
I texted one of my Riki master students, Stephanie, and asked her to take a photo of the ocean a pulley love experience and text it to me. Gratefully that worked out perfect and I was also able to have it printed at the conference center print shop. After each movement session I announced that I would be doing a Reiki meditation in the front of the conference room that we were in. I did this four times throughout the day. we had groups of anywhere from 15 to 40 in three groups and in the last group there was just two. The sound man that was assigned to our room showed us how to play music from our phone on the speakers which was really great for people to hear it. After I briefly explained what Reiki was and what the meditation experience was all about I spent 20 minutes guiding them through this 'ocean of holy love' experience. This proved to be an excellent profound way to introduce all of the participants to reiki and to meditation all at the same time. Also it was a great way to introduce them to Julie True's journaling music. Overall this was a positive well received experience by all of the participants. This type of meditation experience 
I wanted to mention this in the blog because as a master teacher, as a Holy Fire II master teacher, we have the ability to use the ocean of holy love experience for non-Reiki trained people. It is an excellent way to introduce them to the Holy Fire Reiki and allow the Holy Fire to introduce itself to the individual. I am ever so grateful for the opportunity to share this with all of the people there.








September 2016 update

This month 1 student completed her Holy Fire II Usui Reiki Master Teacher class. We both had a profound experience: healing, learning and bonding! 
Plus, two HFII Usui Reiki Masters completed the Holy Fire II Karuna Reiki Master class. We all had a
profound experience growing in 'the Reiki way'. 
We learn 8 symbols in Karuna Reiki. To feel the difference in the symbols when giving a Reiki session was.....affirming, profound and healing! More so then I have ever felt before! 
I am most grateful and humbled to be on this Reiki journey with these students. 
Tomorrow is Introduction to Reiki class at BC3 at Linden Pointe! In two weeks, starts HFII Usui Reiki I followed by Reiki II at BC3 at Linden Pointe! 
Thank you BC3!
In November is another HFII Usui Reiki Master Class 
for two students! Reiki Bliss! 
Pursuing my passion, accomplishing my divine purpose by teaching Holy Fire II Reiki! 

November 2016 update
Two students completed the Usui/Holy Fire II Reiki Master Teacher class. Thank you to these students! I am most grateful to be on this Reiki journey with them! With each class I learn more about the healing opportunity of Reiki! Holy Fire light my way! 

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